Monday, January 11, 2016

Weekly Goal: Play

Playing with our children is so important. Not only does it teach THEM to play, but shows them we want to be a part of THEIR world, not just having them in our world. Besides that, their world is much more fun!!
Printable 8x10 - right click, save and print! 
So go spend a little time in your kids' world. You'll be amazed by the magic and beauty!
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  1. That's a great goal to have! Thank you for sharing with us at the #HomeMattersParty

  2. I love to play with my niece. No kids yet, but I know play will be a big thing when I do!

  3. I really need to intentionally play with my kids more! Thanks for the encouragement!

  4. I am so glad I am now a nanna, which makes for fun play with my grandchildren. Thanks for sharing on #overthemoon

  5. Sometimes I get so busy doing the house work I have to stop and realise that actually my kids just want me to play with them for a bit. We love playing games as a family. Thank you for linking up with #anythinggoes linky with Blogging Mummy.

  6. I totally agree. Playing with kids is something we sometimes take for granted. It seems like we get so caught up with everything we as adults have to do and we don't see the importance of playing with our children. Thanks for the reminder and for sharing at Inspiration Thursday. Hope to see you again tonight!


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